The Fish and Fish Habitat workgroup has reviewed various techniques for monitoring fish and fish habitats over the past two years. The group recently released their findings and developed a shared monitoring protocol.
General Updates
Winter 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter edition highlights key accomplishments during the fourth quarter of 2023, including updates on the Monitoring Plan and Standard Operating Procedures.
Fall 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter edition highlights key accomplishments during the third quarter of 2023, including workgroup progress and upcoming early implementation actions.
Summer 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter edition highlights key accomplishments during the second quarter of 2023, including workgroup progress, Tribal engagement best practices, and workgroup facilitator introductions.
Spring 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter edition highlights key accomplishments during the first quarter of 2023, including identification of priority monitoring sites, new staff, workgroup progress, and upcoming work.
Winter 2022-23 Newsletter
2022 has been a year of building momentum and exciting development for the WRMP. This newsletter edition highlights some of the key accomplishments of the WRMP staff, Steering Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and Science Workgroups during 2022.
Communication Needs Assessment
The Communications Needs Assessment is designed to inform WRMP staff and decision-makers about the information needs of WRMP stakeholders. his assessment will help the WRMP communicate information of interest to its different audiences in accessible and engaging ways.
WRMP Newsletter Fall 2022
Meet the San Francisco Estuary Institute’s new WRMP Lead Scientist and learn about ongoing work on regulatory monitoring needs, the WRMP data catalog, and People & Wetlands Workgroup.
WRMP Summer Newsletter: Check out what the WRMP has been working on in 2022!
Check out what the WRMP has been working on in 2022. Meet the new Chair and Vice Chair of the Steering Committee and read about opportunities for engagement!