Collaborative Science for Healthy Wetlands

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WRMP Summer 2024 Newsletter

WRMP Summer 2024 Newsletter

This Summer 2024 newsletter highlights some of the key accomplishments of the WRMP over the past quarter, including the Baylands Habitat Map release and new funding.

Winter 2022-23 Newsletter

Winter 2022-23 Newsletter

2022 has been a year of building momentum and exciting development for the WRMP. This newsletter edition highlights some of the key accomplishments of the WRMP staff, Steering Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, and Science Workgroups during 2022.

Communication Needs Assessment

Communication Needs Assessment

The Communications Needs Assessment is designed to inform WRMP staff and decision-makers about the information needs of WRMP stakeholders. his assessment will help the WRMP communicate information of interest to its different audiences in accessible and engaging ways.

WRMP Newsletter Fall 2022

WRMP Newsletter Fall 2022

Meet the San Francisco Estuary Institute’s new WRMP Lead Scientist and learn about ongoing work on regulatory monitoring needs, the WRMP data catalog, and People & Wetlands Workgroup.

About the WRMP

The San Francisco Estuary restoration community is working rapidly to protect and restore wetlands that can provide flood protection, recreation, water quality improvement, and habitat for surrounding communities. In order to meet a regional target of 100,000 acres restored by 2030, close coordination is needed between land managers, scientists and regulators. The WRMP will improve wetland restoration project success by putting in place regional-scale monitoring increasing the impact, utility and application of permit-driven monitoring to inform science-based decision-making. Once in place, the WRMP will be a robust, science-driven, collaborative regional monitoring program that includes:

  • Monitoring site network
  • Open data sharing platform
  • Comprehensive science framework


Our Mission

The WRMP delivers coordinated regional monitoring of the San Francisco Estuary’s wetlands to:

  1. Inform science-based decision-making for wetland restoration and adaptive management, and
  2. Increase the cost-effectiveness of permit-driven monitoring associated with wetland restoration projects.


Hillside with trees and grass

Why Regional Monitoring?

  • Supports effort to meet 100,000 acre wetlands restoration goal
  • Supports climate change adaptation and priority responses at regional scale
  • Informs and potentially facilitates project specific monitoring
  • Supports project design and adaptive management via centralized data management and analysis

Program Plan